Saturday, August 23, 2008

Was Biden the Right Choice?

Well, Senator Obama has picked his running mate, Senator Biden. This should be an exciting time for the Democrats, but many are not getting the warm and fuzzies about this. It's like being in a baseball game, you are down two outs, and the last three hitters have all gotten on base and then D.H., your designated hitter, comes up to bat. You are hoping they are going to pull through but you're just not sure.

You know that if he gets the right pitch and he makes contact, everyone is coming in home. You also know that he may or may not get on base because of his previous stats. It's not that you don't believe in him, you are just hoping the homerun hitter shows up tonight.

This is how many Democrats are feeling, did he pick the right one? Did he pick the homerun hitter? Should it have been Hillary? (see my previous blog post on Do you think that he should have picked Bayh, Kaine, Richardson, Sebelius, or Chet?

Well there are a lot of hypothetical conversations going on out there. We'll have to wait and see how this plays out. Let's hope for the Democrats sake that this is right choice.

It's time to play ball. The bases are loaded...there are two outs...the runners are ready...the hitter is at bat...the pitcher is throwing curve ball...Who is swinging? the homerun hitter? We'll just have to wait and see!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Case for the Evangelical Vote!

We know the importance of the Evangelical or Christian vote and if we don’t we are in denial. We know that Christians and I am one, vote our values. It is no secret that both Presidential Candidates know how important this vote is. Rick Warren is having a candidate's forum tonight on CNN where he will focus specifically on moral and social issues.
The last two elections were decided by morals. Evangelicals are people who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He died on the Christ for our sins. We believe in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and do not want to defy God. There is a split between morally focused-Christians and socially-focused Christians. Morally-focused Christians and I’ll use Evangelicals and Christians interchangeably from this point forward, believe that morals are more important when supporting a candidate. Socially-focused candidates believe social issues are just as important. Hopefully tonight's forum will show where both candidates stand.
The Evangelical or Christian vote is important because of their influence. Religious leaders have large followings and while they cannot endorse candidates according to the IRS, they still have influence over their flock. Traditionally the Republicans have established the relationships with many of the televangelists. The Evangelical or Christian vote was a sure win for the Republicans! Now, that Democrats are becoming more vocal about their faith, there is a tug of war for the votes.
In my book, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord! I talk about the importance of including God's values in our vote. I also discuss how the Republicans are not afraid to vote their values and encourage Democrats to voice their values. I know many Christian Republicans and Democrats who love God, God's people and have moral values. There is a divide between the subset of Christian Republicans and Democrats.
The Presidential candidates know this. Their strategy is to go after the Independent thinkers. These are people who are not too conservative or too liberal. They can be swayed according to what issues are important at this time. So while many think that other groups like Hispanics, African-Americans, Women, Men, Armed Forces' votes are important, the Christian vote crosses all of these groups as well. The Christian is first loyal to God before they are loyal to their subset of groups. This is why this vote is crucial. Naturally it is important because votes are numbers that can be added to the final tally count for this election. Spiritually, the Christian vote is important because as we know when we people come together in unity, the influence can change minds, thoughts and ideas. This is why there is a desire for candidates to express their faith and make their case for Evangelical vote.
The case for the Evangelical vote has been proven in the last two presidencies. It will continue to be a factor in the future because Christians are finally waking up to do what God has called them to do. While Christians were quiet in the past, the Ten Commandments was taken out of schools, prayer has been changed to a moment of silence, teen pregnancy has increased, school violence has increased and morals have decreased. The Christian vote should be courted; the candidates should share their faith and values because this will be the only way they will get the Evangelical/Christian vote!
As we watch the forum tonight, let us be prayerful and hear from God. Let us know not be so orthodox (ultra-conservative, religious, dogmatic) or too liberal (lavish, radical, tolerant) to see what God is saying. Let’s pray and ask God for wisdom this year. Let’s not vote for someone because of our own prejudices whether it be ageism or racism. Let us not denounce someone because of one issue. We know God is bigger than one issue. Let us pray for God’s wisdom in our decision-making before we vote! Be obedient to God and you will never go wrong. Be sure to listen with a spiritual ear and watch wolves in sheep’s clothing as Jesus warned us. Watch the Pharisee and Sadducee spirits. Jesus said observe them but do not take on their ways!
I charge you to Pray Before You Vote and know that Jesus can use a Democrat or a Republican as long as they connected to His word and they have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them!
To learn more about the importance of including God in your vote and why Christians believe what they believe, read, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord! by Freya S. Williams
Freya S. Williams