Monday, May 11, 2009

My Political Ideas

1. Everyone should take a part in the voting process – We have been called to make disciples of all men in all arenas including politics (Matthew 28)
2. God can use a Democrat or a Republican as long as they are saved and have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead them into all truth – God is no respecter of people. Don’t show partiality to people because of their status, wealth, social standing, popularity, race, gender or influence. (Acts 10:34, James 2:1, 1 Timothy 5:21, Leviticus 19:15)
3. Abortion is not of God since God is the creator of life. It is one issue that should be considered during an election – Jesus told the Pharisees they give tithe of their spices (money at the time) but they neglect the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy, and faithfulness. He said they should do both not one or the other. We should focus on all issues, not one. (emphasis mine) (Matthew 23)
4. Love the sinner and hate the sin. – Share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost and do not condone sin. Remember you have the gift of life to share with them so share it in love.
5. Health and Security should be available to every American -
6. Christian Republicans, Democrats and Independents should be united in the word of God (1 Corinthians 12:12, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Psalm 133:1, Ephesians 4:1-3, Romans 12:8)
7. Apostles, Prophets Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists should have the free will to preach and teach the truth of the word of God with out repercussion; It is not hate to preach against sin. God’s word is the truth and the truth shall make all men free. We need to pray that the Christian’s mouth is not muzzled and speak out against this. Being silent will put us in the same boat as China and others who prosecute Christians. We have the freedom of speech and this should include the freedom to preach the word of God. Wake up Christians, this is why we need to pray and get involved in the voting process. Laws will be passed without our input. (1 Corinthians 2:14-15, Matthew 10:1-5, Exodus 20:1-7, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8)
8. Bible classes should be added as a class for students and Prayer should be put back in schools – (Psalm 33:12, Ephesians 6:18)
9. The Ten Commandments should be our moral compass (Exodus 20:1-7)
10. Christians should not have to apologize for their beliefs
11. Christians should share the word of God with those who don’t know Christ
12. We should take care of the poor and needy (Deuteronomy 15:11)
13. We should be involved in the political process (2 Corinthians 5:20)
14. We should always seek peace first before war. We have the right to defend our country, but seek peace first not war first. (Matthew 26:52)
15. We should pray for wisdom from God and seek wise counsel (James 1:5 and Proverbs 1)
16. We should be good stewards over what God has blessed us with We should build businesses and create jobs (Deuteronomy 8:18)
17. We should love one another as Christ loved the church. That means we should love each other regardless of our race, gender or national origin (John 13:34)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Prayer for the Nation - From the book, Pray Before You Vote

Prayer for the Nation from the book, Pray Before You Vote
By Freya Sullivan

“For the kingdom of God is the Lord’s and rules over all nations”
Psalm 22:28

Lord in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I exalt You this day. This is the day that You have made and we will rejoice in it. You are holy, mighty, righteous, loving, just and faithful. Lord, God we pray for this nation, the United States of America, to turn her heart back to You. Lord, God this nation was founded on Christian principles and was built on the word of God. Lord You brought us into Your light.

Lord we repent for this nation because we have turned our backs on You. You left us a blueprint, the Bible, to follow and we have allowed ungodly legislation to enter law books to govern us. We have voted for causes that totally contradict Your word and we have neglected to vote. Lord, for this we apologize.

We apologize for neglecting the poor and the needy and putting our own selfish desires for power and authority before the care of Your people. Lord we repent for allowing the Ten Commandments and Prayer to be taken out of the schools. Lord we repent for not teaching our children Your word and Your ways. Lord we repent for pushing our own agenda ahead of Your agenda. We repent for not using our rights to vote men and women in office who reflect Your Word. Forgive us for being unbalanced. Forgive us for misrepresenting the Christian faith and for being hypocrites. Lord, unsaved people are watching us and they see hypocrisy and deceit. Lord, help us to learn to work together to accomplish the greater good for this country.

Lord we come against all ungodly legislation in Jesus name. We come against lobbyists who commit their time and money to lobby against the Word of God. We pray that no weapon formed against your people shall prosper and that Your law will override any law that is created on earth.

We pray that You will touch the heart of the President, Presidential Cabinet Members, Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, State Representative, Oval Office members, Governors, Mayors, City Council Man and City Council Woman that they will desire to do Your will and vote Your values. We pray for righteous authority. You said in Your word that when the righteous are in the authority, the people rejoice. We pray for righteous leaders to step forth. We pray for unity in the cabinet and the willingness and desire to work across party lines.

We come against any leaders that would try to stand against Your word. We pray that they will not prevail.

We come against terrorists and extremist that hate America. We pray that they will not prevail. We pray You uncover every terrorist cell and the enemy will not prevail. We pray You will touch the hearts of enemies so they will come into the light of Jesus. We pray they will learn about the love of Jesus and His desire to see all men saved and that no man will perish.

We pray for our spiritual leaders: Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists, and Teachers to teach and preach Your word with authority and love. We pray they will seek Your face and hear Your voice during this hour. We pray they will share Your word with Your people and direct Your people in the right direction. Give Your people increased spiritual discernment. Let us not be fooled by the words of man but give us discernment to see their true fruits.

I come against prejudice, racism, sexism, and ageism. Lord You said You have no respect of a person and that You will use anyone that You want to use. I pray for unity in the church. I pray that Your people will work together to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ. I also pray that Your people will seek Your face and turn back to You.

I pray that You will give our legislatures wisdom and sensitivity to the needs of Your people. I pray that You will expose every corrupt and lying spirit. I pray that You will guide us as we vote on election day. You said Your people perish because of lack of knowledge. Help us to do our homework on each candidate. Help us to seek Your face in prayer and fasting to see what is best for this nation. Give us the boldness to act on what You speak to us.

We come against ungodly legislation and ungodly bills. We pray the lobbyists are quitting. They will not lobby against your word but for your word. Give them a change of heart in Jesus name.

We bind deception in Jesus’ name that your people are not deceived by words. Let your kingdom come and your will be done in Jesus name. We come against the spirit of hate that is against America. We speak healing for our land and come against violence in the United States. Lord we come against poverty, sickness and diseases.

Lord, we pray for our troop's safety and protection. We pray that you expose every terrorist cell and every enemy that would try to harm the United States of America. We push back the hand of the enemy and dispatch Your angels to every member of our armed forces and pray they are covered in the blood of Jesus. We pray they will have the right equipment to fight this war. We pray that we will be able to bring them home soon. We thank You for their sacrifice for our freedom and our country. Forgive us for not standing in the gap for them. Forgive us for being critical when we should be prayerful. Thank You for the freedom that You have given this country. Give the leaders of our armed forces wisdom and guidance. We pray for peace among all nations. We pray that salvation will take place in foreign lands.

We pray You will give the Central Intelligence Agency Your Intelligence which supersedes anything we can think of. Give them inside knowledge so they can stop the enemy in the planning stages. Give the Federal Bureau of Investigation Your insight to stop terrorists who would try to hurt innocent people of this nation. We pray for law enforcement to be fair and just in all of their dealings. We come against racial profiling in Jesus name. We pray for sound and just investigations in Jesus name. We pray for righteous people to enter law enforcement and the government. Remove every person from these decision-making positions whose heart is far from You in Jesus name.

Lord, we ask that You give our President wisdom and guidance in his decision-making. Give him a heart for all people. Give him wisdom to work across party lines. Give him wisdom to lead and guide Your people. Give him a heart to help the homeless, elderly, poor, needy, sick, fatherless, motherless, uneducated, teenagers, veterans, minorities, and majorities. We also pray for healthcare for those who cannot afford it and preventive programs to help our society become healthier. Put the right people in his path. Uproot every person whose motives are impure. Let him not be deceived by familiar spirits but let him test every person to see if they are of God.

Give us wisdom for the upcoming election. Lead us in our vote. Let us seek Your face and vote righteously. Give us balance and understanding of what You are doing at this hour. Let us stay away from party lines and vote according to the Word of God. Let us not be deceived by leaders who have their own agenda. Lord allow Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth in Jesus name.

Lord, we give this nation back to You. We pray that You will tear down everything that would exalt itself against Your word. We pray for mercy on the United States of America. We pray that we will turn our hearts back to You and that we will vote prayer and the Ten Commandments back into the school system. We give our school system back to You. We come against crime, premature death, fights and bomb threats. We pray that school leaders will see the importance of having Christ in school. We pray You will touch the hearts of the decision-makers and they will turn their hearts to You in Jesus name.

We declare and decree that the United States of America is Your country and it belongs to You. We give it back to You. Help us to use our God-given authority to do Your will in Jesus name.


To order Pray Before You Vote, visit, Advantage Books at or use the link below.

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Prayer Targets

Prayer Targets

1. Pray for the President
2. Pray for the Congress
3. Pray for the Senate
4. Pray for the National Government
5. Pray for the State Government
6. Pray for the Local Government
7. Pray for the children
8. Pray for the elderly
9. Pray for veterans
10. Pray against terrorism
11. Pray for deliverance from lesbianism and homosexuality
12. Pray for unity in the church and government
13. Pray for divine protection
14. Pray for blessings
15. Pray for curses to be broken
16. Pray for Forgiveness
17. Pray for God’s will to be done
18. Pray for the poor and neglected
19. Pray for the abused
20. Pray for Pastors and Ministers
21. Pray for schools
22. Pray for Israel
23. Pray against crime
24. Pray against racism and prejudice
25. Pray for businesses (large and small)
26. Pray against debt
27. Pray for the military
28. Pray for the lost
29. Pray for families that have lost loved ones
30. Pray for the prison system
31. Pray for the homeless
32. Pray for the fatherless and the motherless
33. Pray for Hollywood
34. Pray for Athletes
35. Pray for music artists
36. Pray for the family (marriages kept together and broken marriages restored)
37. Pray for the sick
38. Pray for the jobless
39. Pray against divorce
40. Pray against abortion
41. Pray for judges (Federal, State, and Local) justice and mercy
42. Pray for prayer in school
43. Pray for the 10 commandments to be put up in public places
44. Pray for the Media (all media is fair and balanced on all sides)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We, the People, Have Overcome!

It is Inauguration Day and what a day! Since the first presidential election in 1789, the highest office in the land has been representative by one group of men, the Caucasian man. It was inconceivable to think that a Black man could be voted into a position that did not consider a Black man human. Many barriers were created to keep Blacks from voting including beatings, murders and literacy tests. When Blacks could finally vote in 1869 because of the passing of the 15th Amendment, the vote was considered three-fifths of a vote.

I grew up in South, Georgia and we knew prejudice and racism first hand. We knew what it felt like to be overlooked and discounted. Even in my adult years, I know what it still feels like to be overlooked and discounted because of the color of your skin. My love for politics started with Mr. Herman Lodge our City Councilman and Mom, Gloria Sullivan, who fought together to stand up for the rights of African-Americans. They were inclusive in their efforts to look out for all people.

What I see today gives me hope and shows me that change is evident. A stronghold has been lifted off of America that has been ever present in society. An African-American has been elected President of these United States. He has a diverse lineage that appeals to many people. God had His hand in this since Martin Luther King, Jr. prophesied this some 40 years ago. It is destiny that this is happening today, January 20, 2009.

We, all Americans, have overcome barriers that have held us back from coming together in unity. Racial barriers are now broken! Religious barriers are now broken! Gender and age barriers continue to be shattered! In order to see change, old things had to pass away for things to become new. Our government had to be broken so it could be rebuilt with integrity, peace, and respect. Have you ever seen someone hurt their arm and have to break it in order to heal it? There had to be a temporary pain that had to be endured before healing can take place. While the pain is still here in America, healing is beginning today with the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama.

The same old thinking that worked for over 200 years had to be broken so that our diverse society is reflected. Now is the time to embrace each other, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. We have all overcome. It is now time for us to unite in Government, Politics and the Christian Religion. Issues that divide Christians should not since we are all Christians. We should be on one accord.
It is time to unite! To become a part of Christians United in Politics, post your response here.