Friday, May 23, 2008

McCain Denounces Pastors Hagee and Parsley

Okay Christian brothers and sisters, this has been a world wind week! Tapes are now surfacing about Pastor John Hagee and Pastor Rod Parsley's comments. Both are mighty men of God. I always say that if I want a loved one or friend to get saved, I would put them in front of John Hagee or Rod Parsley! I know they will be convicted and accept Jesus as their personal savior! They know how to reach the soul!

They have both endorsed John McCain and now that the messages have surfaced, messages that many of us are used to hearing, everyone is in a frenzy! Now McCain sought out their endorsements and gladly accepted them. Remember, this is how the election was won last time because of the evangelical Christian vote! The Republican political strategy was to court the church and get the vote! This strategy worked! The Christian vote has become a political marketing strategy and many of our leaders have embraced right-winged leaders and denouncing left-winged leaders.

Now, we have two candidates who profess Christianity. One has an outspoken Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the other has accepted endorsements from outspoken Pastors, Pastors John Hagee and Rod Parsley, all men of God. Now, all Pastors have their view of world events and politics from a spiritual perspective, but we have seen how the media has replayed those comments in an endless loop! All I hear is "chickens flying back to the coop!"

Now, I'm curious to see what the response will be now. Senator Obama had to denounce his Pastor's views so he wouldn't isolate patriotic Americans and Senator McCain had to denounce Pastor Hagee and Parsley's views so he wouldn't offend the Catholics and others. I see so much denouncing going on, I don't what the candidates stand for anymore. Are they denouncing the word of God? Because that what these Pastors are preaching, the prophetic word of God. God says in His word that His word is foolishness to those who do not know of Him. Many are taking quotes out of context. That is why it is imperative that we test the fruits to see if they are of God!

I believe God is allowing the egg to be put in our face as Christians because we want to make one Pastor wrong and others right. We want to endorse our candidates instead of God's candidates. We have our own agendas.

We can't be loyal to a political party, our race, or our gender. We, Christians, have to be loyal to the word of God! Everyone has their own agenda. We have to ask God what is his agenda. We missed the opportunity to put in a Pastor, Mike Huckabee. Christian Pastors did not even endorse him, the very same Pastors that endorsed McCain! What are we doing? When I saw this endorsement on television, I gasped! How could Christian Pastors not endorse Christian Pastors. What is really going on? What type of backroom deals are being negotiated to make us to go against God's appointed people? We need to check ourselves!!!

What are our motives? God is watching us. This reminds me of how God appointed a leader to the people but they wanted their own. God gave them their own and the people suffered. So now, we will have to live with the choices we have made. Our seed is our vote and we have sown seeds that we will have to reap for four years. I pray that our Christians Presidential candidates will not denounce the word of God. I pray that as they have professed their Christianity to get their votes, they will be doers of the word and not hearers only.

Let's stop the hypocrisy and pray before you vote!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The book is here! You can purchase Pray Before You Vote at! You will be informed and inspired in the word of God!

I appreciate your support!
Freya S. Williams