Saturday, September 6, 2008

McCain-Palin - Best Strategic Move I’ve Seen!

All I can say is “wow”! Senator McCain blind-sided the entire nation this week! He went totally against the grain to nominate Sarah Palin as his V.P. Talk about a smooth move. This has so pushed Senator McCain from the background to the foreground that it will be weeks before this dies down. This goes against the Republican grain. Everyone thought he would pick a man of course! It’s the Republican way! To choose Palin was one of the best strategic moves I’ve seen in a while during his entire campaign. He has separated himself from the traditional Republican way.

Now, we all know his move was based entirely on Senator Obama’s move. It’s a game of chess. You make your move, I look over the board and then I make my move. His goal was to grab women voters, those hanging Hillary supporters who felt left out. (See my previous post, Should’ve been Hillary)

Although President Bill Clinton gave a speech to mobilize those Hillary supports to support the Democratic Party, there are still some who are die hard Hillary fans who have vowed to support McCain as an act of protest.

Well, the game has changed. I think Governor Palin brings life, pizzazz and hope to a campaign that seemed to be fizzling under the limelight of the Senator Obama’s runaway freight train. It has literally put the freight train to a halt! I like what I see in Palin so far. I don’t know if she’ll be as active or vocal once she gets in the presidency. Let’s face it; George Bush hasn’t been the decision-maker since he was in office. He’s the deliverer of the messages.

Palin is a go-getter and she’s used to being involved. We’ll have to watch the campaign to see how involved “they” will they let her be. Will they listen to her ideas? Will they let her sit at the table, but not play the game? Will the male ego kick in and put her in place? Will she go get the coffee for all the other men in the board room?

The party is run from the background by Republican strategists. I am excited about Palin, but I not sure if she will have the power that women desire her to have. Men just aren’t ready for that. Hopefully she will be able to break the glass ceiling that many of us women have hit in our careers. Hopefully she will dispel the myth that women can’t lead with authority because of sensitive nature. She’s tough and I applaud McCain for this move.

We’ll see how this plays out. It’s on! Let the games begin (again). I’m waiting for Senator Obama’s next move. He’s played his cards wisely thus far. So now it boils down to, what type of America do we want? Look at the candidates. Check out there platforms. Look through all the hype on both sides and see who has the best plan for America. What is America going through at this time? Once you’ve done all those things, then get out and vote!

Freya S. Williams

Author, Pray Before You Vote!

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