Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God’s Choice: President Barack Obama!

God had His hand in this election since the beginning. Who was this Barack Obama we all asked? We did not know much about him and to be honest, we did not think he would make it this far. The 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee, John Kerry invited Senator Obama to speak at the Democratic National Convention. He was poised, intelligent, and sharp and he made a connection to the people of America. This was a portrait of an African-American that we had not seen on a national scale.

God put it in his heart to seek the highest office in the land and he listened. He launched his campaign and what a campaign. We can see that God was in his campaign. God cleared the path. He had to get past the general elections. He then had to go head to head with Hillary Clinton and we won. He was connecting with people of all races, backgrounds, and ages. He survived the right wing media and the independent media by staying focused and poised. He did not sweat the small stuff at all. Jesus was the same way, He did not get frazzled when people through stones at him.

God is not limited to a political party. As I have said in my book for the past two years, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord, God is no respecter of a person and He can use a Democrat or a Republican! Today, and for the next four years, He will use a Democrat who is saved and has the heart of Jesus. Yes, he has accepted Jesus as his personal savior, even though some Christians are questioning that. See my post on Obama’s Faith. I know many of us want to limit Jesus to issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage only, but we also know that Jesus cared about His people.

If we are who we say we are in Christendom, we will not instill fear in the people of God, but we will stand and pray for the nation and our next President. Just as we were patient with President Bush as he “walked out his salvation”, we need the same type of prayer and patience for President Obama. Racial walls have just been torn down. Jesus reached out to the Jews and the Gentiles. For years we have turned our backs on nations and different groups of people. God wants us to reach them with the message of Jesus Christ as well. Many countries looked down on America because of the blemish of slavery. That blemish has been wiped a way!

For years, we have limited God to the Republican Party. We have made God a right-winger! Well, I believe we can find the characteristics in both parties as I state in my book. For the last eight years, we have focused on moral issues. I honor President Bush for standing firm and making those decisions that are foundational to our country. I thank God for President Bush and his leadership even though outside factors made it seem as if he was totally responsible. He was not. He had the most diverse cabinet in the history of the United States. He embraced diversity. I admire him for that. He stayed strong when everyone bailed out on him. Senator McCain ran a good race, but he missed out on the Christian vote because he did not talk about Christ a lot. He disconnected himself from President Bush just as Al Gore disconnected himself from President Clinton. God used President Bush for a season and pray that he and his family will continue to be blessed and allow God use them even after they leave the oval office.

Now the arms are changing. God wants us to get back to the basics and focus on the love of Jesus Christ. We have misrepresented Jesus and God has started judgment in his house. Ministries are falling left and right because we have neglected the message of Jesus Christ. We do not even love each other!

I believe we need to still educate the unsaved on the word of God by evangelizing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe that in our evangelism efforts, we have lost the love message. The Bible says that Jesus is love! Jesus preached about love more than anything else. When the Pharisees brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus, He did not say, send her to Hell. Instead He said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone. He told her to go and sin no more. We need to tell those who are involved in homosexuality, adultery, fornication, and those who have had abortions, to go and sin no more. The woman who was caught in adultery turned her heart to Jesus because he did not condemn her but He showed her love! What a testimony! What a way to win souls!

When the Pharisees bragged about tithing, Jesus said you hypocrites, you give your tithes, but you are neglecting the more important things of the law such as justice, mercy and faithfulness. He said these things you ought to have done without leaving the others undone! (Matthew 23)

Why would Jesus continuously point out the hypocrisy in the Pharisees when the Pharisees “thought” they were doing the right things? He called them a generation of vipers! This is because they had adopted a religious spirit.

While I believe that our hearts are in the right place and we want to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and we desire that all souls be saved, and I certainly do, we have to be careful not to loose the message of love that Jesus preached! He said that He would draw all men unto Him. How will He do this? He will do it with love. I am saved today because someone showed me love. I am not saved because I was beat over the head about my sins, but because someone showed me the love of Christ. We have run people off from the church and we have A.W.O.L. saints who have left because we did not show the love of Christ. (I’m writing a book on this now!) We have lost the love message and we have replaced it with laws. Jesus said we are putting a yoke on them that we cannot even handle.

This love transformed my heart, healed me and gave me the desire to share the love of Christ with others. I can win more souls for Christ with honey than a lemon! I declare to walk in love with the unsaved and win more souls. Barack Obama won with a message of hope and a heart of love. Yes, we need to pray against abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexuality and lesbianism, but let us use God’s way to witness to those who are lost so that their souls are saved. Let us stop turning people against the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My charge to Christians is to get back to the basics. Come out of the churches, the big mansions, get off the private jets, from behind the 501c3s, from the behind your empires, from behind the laws, and come out to meet God’s people. They are hungry for an answer. Right now, they are finding hope in our new President. God has allowed him to progress up to this point. God removed all barriers for him to get here. Sure we can say, Christians did not get out and vote. Actually many Christians got out and voted and the economy was not the number one issue. The love of Christ was the number one issue! Hope won this election. Let us get back to love!

Let us pray for President Obama as we prayed for President Bush. Let us pray that God will strengthen him in his decision-making. Let us pray for the safety of his family. Let us pray that God will give him the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Samson, the fearlessness of David, the love of Jesus, the leadership of Abraham. Let us pray for Michelle that she will be the Proverbs 31 woman and the girls will be blessed and protected. Do you still believe in prayer? God said that He can turn the heart of King. For those areas that you feel that President Obama needs growth in, pray and watch God move. Remember Senator Obama has professed Christ as his personal savior. Let us not run him away by bashing and not walking in love. Remember we all had to be transformed and are still being transformed through Christ Jesus. Right wing preachers reach out to him and pray. He is your President too!

God is using a Democrat! Check your hearts and watch what you say. Make sure you are not dealing with racism and jealousy. Speak blessings and not cursing on this family and this nation. God is not limited to a party; he will use whomever He wants. Do not instill fear in the people. Remember hope won this election. Jesus is our hope, not President Obama. He just used Senator Obama to revive the message of hope!

Welcome President Obama and family! Let God use you. We will be praying for God to surround you with the right people and that you will seek God daily for wisdom, guidance and understanding. We pray that you will lead the nation with the wisdom of God. We pray that we will give you room to grow and stumble. Just keep moving towards God.

God bless the Obama family and God bless America!

If you are truly serious about praying, please visit the new site, Pray After You Vote! Pray Before You Vote will still be available, but now it is time to continue praying President Bush as he exits and pray for Pray President Obama as he enters. Let us pray for the nation!

Freya S. Williams
Author of Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Barack Obama's Christian Faith

There has been much talk about Senator Barack Obama's faith. Many say he is an undercover Muslim. Some say is he is part of Al Qaeda. Still some are not sure. Many have used his middle name as a scare tactic to link him to terrorist networks. The reason it is important to explore his faith and his roots is to establish the truth. Many votes are being cast on what people think instead of what people really know. These are the things that are being said in the Christian community to drive votes away. One major Christian leader said we need to be afraid of Osama and Obama. While rhyming is catchy and it has a little ring to it, we should all seek the truth.

Senator Barack Obama has professed that he believes that Jesus Christ is his personal savior. He also attended the Trinity United Church for Christ for 20 years where accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. He married Michelle Robinson in 1992. They have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

He lived in Hawaii and Indonesia as a child. His grandfather was a Muslim and his father was an atheist. His mother was an agnostic and didn't practice any particular religion. With all of that being said, he found Christ when he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. He was drawn to Christ after he felt that something was missing in his life. He attended Catholic and public schools, not madrassas as many in the news have reported.

He does talk about his history and how he grew up. His mother is a Caucasian woman from Kansas and his father is from Kenya. He has a diverse background in race and heritage. His father left when he was young and mother also passed away. This has given him a sense of independence and interdependence on others. This is probably where his ability to reach across the part lines and work with others to establish laws has come in.

Bottom line, he is a Christian regardless of what the news reports. Test the fruits to see if he is of God and remember to pray before you vote! Let God lead you during this election season whether it be Senator McCain or Senator Obama. God can use a Democrat or a Republican as long as they have accepted the Lord as their personal savior and they are guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth, let Him be your guide this election season.

Freya S. Willams, Author of Pray Before You Vote!

McCain-Palin - Best Strategic Move I’ve Seen!

All I can say is “wow”! Senator McCain blind-sided the entire nation this week! He went totally against the grain to nominate Sarah Palin as his V.P. Talk about a smooth move. This has so pushed Senator McCain from the background to the foreground that it will be weeks before this dies down. This goes against the Republican grain. Everyone thought he would pick a man of course! It’s the Republican way! To choose Palin was one of the best strategic moves I’ve seen in a while during his entire campaign. He has separated himself from the traditional Republican way.

Now, we all know his move was based entirely on Senator Obama’s move. It’s a game of chess. You make your move, I look over the board and then I make my move. His goal was to grab women voters, those hanging Hillary supporters who felt left out. (See my previous post, Should’ve been Hillary)

Although President Bill Clinton gave a speech to mobilize those Hillary supports to support the Democratic Party, there are still some who are die hard Hillary fans who have vowed to support McCain as an act of protest.

Well, the game has changed. I think Governor Palin brings life, pizzazz and hope to a campaign that seemed to be fizzling under the limelight of the Senator Obama’s runaway freight train. It has literally put the freight train to a halt! I like what I see in Palin so far. I don’t know if she’ll be as active or vocal once she gets in the presidency. Let’s face it; George Bush hasn’t been the decision-maker since he was in office. He’s the deliverer of the messages.

Palin is a go-getter and she’s used to being involved. We’ll have to watch the campaign to see how involved “they” will they let her be. Will they listen to her ideas? Will they let her sit at the table, but not play the game? Will the male ego kick in and put her in place? Will she go get the coffee for all the other men in the board room?

The party is run from the background by Republican strategists. I am excited about Palin, but I not sure if she will have the power that women desire her to have. Men just aren’t ready for that. Hopefully she will be able to break the glass ceiling that many of us women have hit in our careers. Hopefully she will dispel the myth that women can’t lead with authority because of sensitive nature. She’s tough and I applaud McCain for this move.

We’ll see how this plays out. It’s on! Let the games begin (again). I’m waiting for Senator Obama’s next move. He’s played his cards wisely thus far. So now it boils down to, what type of America do we want? Look at the candidates. Check out there platforms. Look through all the hype on both sides and see who has the best plan for America. What is America going through at this time? Once you’ve done all those things, then get out and vote!

Freya S. Williams

Author, Pray Before You Vote!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Was Biden the Right Choice?

Well, Senator Obama has picked his running mate, Senator Biden. This should be an exciting time for the Democrats, but many are not getting the warm and fuzzies about this. It's like being in a baseball game, you are down two outs, and the last three hitters have all gotten on base and then D.H., your designated hitter, comes up to bat. You are hoping they are going to pull through but you're just not sure.

You know that if he gets the right pitch and he makes contact, everyone is coming in home. You also know that he may or may not get on base because of his previous stats. It's not that you don't believe in him, you are just hoping the homerun hitter shows up tonight.

This is how many Democrats are feeling, did he pick the right one? Did he pick the homerun hitter? Should it have been Hillary? (see my previous blog post on Do you think that he should have picked Bayh, Kaine, Richardson, Sebelius, or Chet?

Well there are a lot of hypothetical conversations going on out there. We'll have to wait and see how this plays out. Let's hope for the Democrats sake that this is right choice.

It's time to play ball. The bases are loaded...there are two outs...the runners are ready...the hitter is at bat...the pitcher is throwing curve ball...Who is swinging? the homerun hitter? We'll just have to wait and see!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Case for the Evangelical Vote!

We know the importance of the Evangelical or Christian vote and if we don’t we are in denial. We know that Christians and I am one, vote our values. It is no secret that both Presidential Candidates know how important this vote is. Rick Warren is having a candidate's forum tonight on CNN where he will focus specifically on moral and social issues.
The last two elections were decided by morals. Evangelicals are people who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He died on the Christ for our sins. We believe in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and do not want to defy God. There is a split between morally focused-Christians and socially-focused Christians. Morally-focused Christians and I’ll use Evangelicals and Christians interchangeably from this point forward, believe that morals are more important when supporting a candidate. Socially-focused candidates believe social issues are just as important. Hopefully tonight's forum will show where both candidates stand.
The Evangelical or Christian vote is important because of their influence. Religious leaders have large followings and while they cannot endorse candidates according to the IRS, they still have influence over their flock. Traditionally the Republicans have established the relationships with many of the televangelists. The Evangelical or Christian vote was a sure win for the Republicans! Now, that Democrats are becoming more vocal about their faith, there is a tug of war for the votes.
In my book, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord! I talk about the importance of including God's values in our vote. I also discuss how the Republicans are not afraid to vote their values and encourage Democrats to voice their values. I know many Christian Republicans and Democrats who love God, God's people and have moral values. There is a divide between the subset of Christian Republicans and Democrats.
The Presidential candidates know this. Their strategy is to go after the Independent thinkers. These are people who are not too conservative or too liberal. They can be swayed according to what issues are important at this time. So while many think that other groups like Hispanics, African-Americans, Women, Men, Armed Forces' votes are important, the Christian vote crosses all of these groups as well. The Christian is first loyal to God before they are loyal to their subset of groups. This is why this vote is crucial. Naturally it is important because votes are numbers that can be added to the final tally count for this election. Spiritually, the Christian vote is important because as we know when we people come together in unity, the influence can change minds, thoughts and ideas. This is why there is a desire for candidates to express their faith and make their case for Evangelical vote.
The case for the Evangelical vote has been proven in the last two presidencies. It will continue to be a factor in the future because Christians are finally waking up to do what God has called them to do. While Christians were quiet in the past, the Ten Commandments was taken out of schools, prayer has been changed to a moment of silence, teen pregnancy has increased, school violence has increased and morals have decreased. The Christian vote should be courted; the candidates should share their faith and values because this will be the only way they will get the Evangelical/Christian vote!
As we watch the forum tonight, let us be prayerful and hear from God. Let us know not be so orthodox (ultra-conservative, religious, dogmatic) or too liberal (lavish, radical, tolerant) to see what God is saying. Let’s pray and ask God for wisdom this year. Let’s not vote for someone because of our own prejudices whether it be ageism or racism. Let us not denounce someone because of one issue. We know God is bigger than one issue. Let us pray for God’s wisdom in our decision-making before we vote! Be obedient to God and you will never go wrong. Be sure to listen with a spiritual ear and watch wolves in sheep’s clothing as Jesus warned us. Watch the Pharisee and Sadducee spirits. Jesus said observe them but do not take on their ways!
I charge you to Pray Before You Vote and know that Jesus can use a Democrat or a Republican as long as they connected to His word and they have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them!
To learn more about the importance of including God in your vote and why Christians believe what they believe, read, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord! by Freya S. Williams
Freya S. Williams

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pray Before You Vote Radio Show!

We're excited to announce the new Pray Before You Vote Radio show. Tune in to talk about politics, religion and other issues affecting America today!

Let your voice be heard!

Let's pray for America!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert of the Meet the Press Passes Away

One of my favorite news interviewers has gone on to be with the Lord. Tim Russert of Meet the Press had of the best Political News Shows on Television besides Wolf Blitzer of course. I faithfully watched him for years. His smile and cool demeanor were the qualities that appealed to me. He could ask the hard questions with ease and cause the panelists to go beyond their prepared responses. He was engaging and personable, yet he knew how to ask the questions and get the answers. You couldn't dance around his questions, because he would ask you again without fear. You had to either 1) answer the question or 2) find another response that satisfied the original question.

His desire to inform the public would push the panelist beyond their comfort zone. He was a joy to watch, a leader to learn from and he will be missed. Sunday mornings won't be the same without him.

I pray for God's peace to comfort his family. God is with you and you are not alone. I pray that all journalists will take those qualities from his pages of life. Get the truth, walk in compassion and inform the people as Tim did.

Scriptures of comfort for the family:
Psalm 9:9 - The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed a stronghold in times of trouble.

Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

God bless you Tim and may we see you in heaven some day!

Freya S. Williams
Author, Pray Before You Vote! Jesus Is Not a Democrat or a Republican! Jesus Is Lord!

Friday, May 23, 2008

McCain Denounces Pastors Hagee and Parsley

Okay Christian brothers and sisters, this has been a world wind week! Tapes are now surfacing about Pastor John Hagee and Pastor Rod Parsley's comments. Both are mighty men of God. I always say that if I want a loved one or friend to get saved, I would put them in front of John Hagee or Rod Parsley! I know they will be convicted and accept Jesus as their personal savior! They know how to reach the soul!

They have both endorsed John McCain and now that the messages have surfaced, messages that many of us are used to hearing, everyone is in a frenzy! Now McCain sought out their endorsements and gladly accepted them. Remember, this is how the election was won last time because of the evangelical Christian vote! The Republican political strategy was to court the church and get the vote! This strategy worked! The Christian vote has become a political marketing strategy and many of our leaders have embraced right-winged leaders and denouncing left-winged leaders.

Now, we have two candidates who profess Christianity. One has an outspoken Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the other has accepted endorsements from outspoken Pastors, Pastors John Hagee and Rod Parsley, all men of God. Now, all Pastors have their view of world events and politics from a spiritual perspective, but we have seen how the media has replayed those comments in an endless loop! All I hear is "chickens flying back to the coop!"

Now, I'm curious to see what the response will be now. Senator Obama had to denounce his Pastor's views so he wouldn't isolate patriotic Americans and Senator McCain had to denounce Pastor Hagee and Parsley's views so he wouldn't offend the Catholics and others. I see so much denouncing going on, I don't what the candidates stand for anymore. Are they denouncing the word of God? Because that what these Pastors are preaching, the prophetic word of God. God says in His word that His word is foolishness to those who do not know of Him. Many are taking quotes out of context. That is why it is imperative that we test the fruits to see if they are of God!

I believe God is allowing the egg to be put in our face as Christians because we want to make one Pastor wrong and others right. We want to endorse our candidates instead of God's candidates. We have our own agendas.

We can't be loyal to a political party, our race, or our gender. We, Christians, have to be loyal to the word of God! Everyone has their own agenda. We have to ask God what is his agenda. We missed the opportunity to put in a Pastor, Mike Huckabee. Christian Pastors did not even endorse him, the very same Pastors that endorsed McCain! What are we doing? When I saw this endorsement on television, I gasped! How could Christian Pastors not endorse Christian Pastors. What is really going on? What type of backroom deals are being negotiated to make us to go against God's appointed people? We need to check ourselves!!!

What are our motives? God is watching us. This reminds me of how God appointed a leader to the people but they wanted their own. God gave them their own and the people suffered. So now, we will have to live with the choices we have made. Our seed is our vote and we have sown seeds that we will have to reap for four years. I pray that our Christians Presidential candidates will not denounce the word of God. I pray that as they have professed their Christianity to get their votes, they will be doers of the word and not hearers only.

Let's stop the hypocrisy and pray before you vote!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Should Barack and Hillary work together?

Well, it is May and the Democrats still do not have a nominee. The Republicans are waiting to see what happens while the Democrats battle it out! Many are saying Hilliary should drop out and bow down and let Obama take the nomination. Well the Barak and Hillary saga led me to the book of Judges, chapter 5.

Bible verses link taken from

1 After Ehud died, the Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the LORD. 2
So the LORD sold them into the hands of Jabin, a king of Canaan, who reigned in
Hazor. The commander of his army was Sisera, who lived in Harosheth Haggoyim. 3
Because he had nine hundred iron chariots and had cruelly oppressed the
Israelites for twenty years, they cried to the LORD for help.
4 Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading [a]
Israel at that time. 5 She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah
and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites came to her to
have their disputes decided. 6 She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, "The LORD, the God of Israel, commands you: 'Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor. 7 I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.' " 8 Barak said to her, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't
go." 9 "Very well," Deborah said, "I will go with you. But because of the
way you are going about this, [
b] the honor will not be yours, for the LORD will hand Sisera over to a woman." So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh, 10 where he summoned Zebulun and Naphtali.
Ten thousand men followed him, and Deborah also went with him.
11 Now Heber the Kenite had left the other Kenites, the descendants of Hobab, Moses' brother-in-law, [c] and pitched his tent by the great tree in Zaanannim near Kedesh. 12 When they told Sisera that Barak son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor, 13 Sisera gathered together his nine hundred iron chariots and all the men with him, from Harosheth Haggoyim to the Kishon River. 14 Then Deborah said to Barak, "Go! This is the day the LORD has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the LORD gone ahead of you?" So Barak went down Mount Tabor, followed by ten thousand men. 15 At Barak's advance, the LORD routed Sisera and all his chariots and army by the sword, and Sisera abandoned his chariot and fled on foot. 16 But Barak pursued the chariots and army as far as Harosheth Haggoyim. All the troops of Sisera fell by the sword; not a man was left.

As you can see, Deborah and Barak worked together. Barak wanted Deborah to take the lead, yet they still worked together.

Hmmm, does this sound like our modern day leaders? Should Barak and Hilliary work together? If they are really concerned about their party, they could get together and decide to work together. The reason it is taking so long to nomimate a front runner is because of pride. No one wants to team up and work together as Barak and Deborah did in the book of Judges. Because they worked together, they were successful at their mission, which was to conquer Jabin's army. God handed them over to them.

So, we will have to wait until all of the super delegates make up their mind and all the remaining states decide. There's no humility here, only the fight for victory.

Again, pray before you vote! God will lead you. Is it McCain, Barack or Hillary? We'll see soon, I think!

Freya S. Williams
Author, Pray Before You Vote!

You can reach Freya at

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pray Before You Vote!

Hi Christian Voters!

We need to be in prayer for this election. God is calling us to pray before we vote. We need to be involved the political process as Christians. God has called us to be ambassadors for Christ! Are you representing Christ today?