Saturday, August 23, 2008

Was Biden the Right Choice?

Well, Senator Obama has picked his running mate, Senator Biden. This should be an exciting time for the Democrats, but many are not getting the warm and fuzzies about this. It's like being in a baseball game, you are down two outs, and the last three hitters have all gotten on base and then D.H., your designated hitter, comes up to bat. You are hoping they are going to pull through but you're just not sure.

You know that if he gets the right pitch and he makes contact, everyone is coming in home. You also know that he may or may not get on base because of his previous stats. It's not that you don't believe in him, you are just hoping the homerun hitter shows up tonight.

This is how many Democrats are feeling, did he pick the right one? Did he pick the homerun hitter? Should it have been Hillary? (see my previous blog post on Do you think that he should have picked Bayh, Kaine, Richardson, Sebelius, or Chet?

Well there are a lot of hypothetical conversations going on out there. We'll have to wait and see how this plays out. Let's hope for the Democrats sake that this is right choice.

It's time to play ball. The bases are loaded...there are two outs...the runners are ready...the hitter is at bat...the pitcher is throwing curve ball...Who is swinging? the homerun hitter? We'll just have to wait and see!

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